Magical Oriental food
Among many articles to introduce Oriental food or video, often appear "right amount, A spoon, A pair of, A few,A little", isn't it amazing ^_^ right amount is how much?
Right, there is no standard answer, because the chef is experience, not a dogma, there is no recipe books can teach you can make delicious food, 100% especially everyone taste is different, like sweet, like spicy, like salty, like the light (picture), dishes not only according to the different adjustments to personal taste, but also according to the nature of ingredients and ingredients and ingredient of "based on" to adjust. Oriental food pay attention to most is food collocation, such as:
And so on, each of the ingredients are based on attributes, when you select the raw ingredients, that is "the icing on the cake",
Or is the "gild the lily"
Each qualified chefs rely on experience to make delicious food for you, they are in school more hours than the doctor's practice time less, Chinese emphasize "listening, asking," Oriental food, material selection is also pay attention to "listening, asking," so as to make the "flavor" gourmet food.